ENTER 100 135 Enabling Website e-Νable Greece

The ENTER Project is an Erasmus+ KA2 funded program that has as main objective to develop and increase entrepreneurial skills to facilitate the employment of young NEETs. The program aims to be an effective response to the consequences of the current COVID-19 pandemic situation, which has also affected young people in the workplace, with even more serious consequences for young boys and girls with disabilities.

The main target groups of the project are:

  • Youth NEETs between 18-30 years old
  • Youth NEETs between 18-30 years old that suffers from any kind of Disability (Visual or Hearing impairment, body amputation, people on the Autism Spectrum) to such an extent that they are allowed to participate in the trainings
  • Young people, who want to be involved actively in society initiatives and find solutions in critical problems of local communities.

During the selection of participants, ENTER consortium will follow intersectionality criteria giving emphasis to avoid gender or race inequalities.

Project Partners

  • Associacio Programes Educatius OpenEurope
  • Fondazione Istituto dei Sordi di Torino ONLUS
  • e-Nable Greece
  • European Development Foundation

The project No is: 2021-1-EL02-KA220-YOU-000029087

Find out more about the program in our website: https://www.enter-project.eu/

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