3 Basic Categories of e-Nable Devices
Device Categories
There are 3 basic categories of e-Nable devices and the choice is depends on which design works best for your the needs of the recipient.
- Wrist Powered: Most of the designs created by the community require a functional wrist that can bend at least 30 degrees in either direction as well as most or all of their palm in order to make the device function properly. The most popular are the Phoenix Hand and the Raptor Reloaded.
- Elbow Powered: For those that do not have a functional wrist or a palm, the e-NABLE Community has created a few designs that are able to function through the bending of the elbow instead of the wrist. For these designs to work, recipients will need a functional elbow that can bend easily and who have partial to most of their forearm.
- Single Fingers: There are a few partial finger designs available currently that are suitable for people that want to add more function to their hand and missing one or two fingers, usually cause of an accident.
Note:The e-NABLE community has developed a collection of different 3D-printable assistive devices that are free for download and fabrication by anybody who would like to learn more about the designs or fabricate a device for somebody in need.
By accepting any design, plan, component or assembly related to the so called “e-NABLE Hand” , I understand and agree that any such information or material furnished by any individual associated with the design team is furnished as is without representation or warranties of any kind, express or implied, and is intended to be a gift for the sole purpose of evaluating various design iterations, ideas and modifications. I understand that such improvements are intended to benefit individuals having specific disabilities and are not intended, and shall not be used, for commercial use. I further understand and agree that any individual associated with e-NABLE organization shall not be liable for any injuries or damages resulting from the use of any of the materials related to the e-NABLE hand.