The 2nd TPM of the ENTER project launched on 11th of January in Athens, Greece

The 2nd TPM of the ENTER project launched on 11th of January in Athens, Greece

The 2nd TPM of the ENTER project launched on 11th of January in Athens, Greece 150 150 Enabling Website e-Νable Greece

The consortium 🇬🇷🇮🇹🇪🇸🇧🇬 of the project reviewed the implementation of the project results 1 & 2 about 3D printing and entrepreneurial mindset webinars and result 3 about the e-learning platform of the project.

🎯 Next steps:

– to organize the 4th result about the Social Entrepreneurial Digital Hub. The meeting was really productive and the team spirit was very high! Everyone was happy to meet each other.

– to recruit students for the LTTA in May in Reus.

🙏 Especially want to thank our Greek partners for organizing the TPM and for their hospitality University of Piraeus – UniPi and E-Nable Greece . The rest of consortium consists of the Istituto dei Sordi di Torinoopeneuropereus and European Development Foundation

Do not forget to: join us in the upcoming LTTA in Reus. Interested in participating? Contact us now! 🌟

#erasmusplusproject #entrepreneur #ErasmusYouth

#inedivim #3dprinting #ErasmusPlus


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