The consortium of the project reviewed the implementation of the project results 1 & 2 about 3D printing and entrepreneurial mindset webinars and result 3 about the e-learning platform of the project.
Next steps:
– to organize the 4th result about the Social Entrepreneurial Digital Hub. The meeting was really productive and the team spirit was very high! Everyone was happy to meet each other.
– to recruit students for the LTTA in May in Reus.
Especially want to thank our Greek partners for organizing the TPM and for their hospitality University of Piraeus – UniPi and E-Nable Greece . The rest of consortium consists of the Istituto dei Sordi di Torino, openeuropereus and European Development Foundation
Do not forget to: join us in the upcoming LTTA in Reus. Interested in participating? Contact us now!
#erasmusplusproject #entrepreneur #ErasmusYouth
#inedivim #3dprinting #ErasmusPlus